Tuesday, January 5, 2010

We must not take the faults of our youth with us into old age, for age brings along its own defects. -Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Friends, the year 2010 is no longer a promise or an anticipation, it has become a reality in all it's January-flavored goodness. For the last few days, I have found myself ruminating over the fact that 2003 still feels like yesterday, and 2007 was just a couple of hours ago... How quickly decades become things of the past, complete with their own kitschy names that future generations will refer to them as when they participate in decade dress-up days in middle school. Can you imagine an early 2000s-themed homecoming dance? I suppose you could go as the war in Iraq or an economic crisis. Regardless, I have to wonder what the past decade will mean to us after more time has passed. Personally, I have yet to wrap my mind around the fact that the last 10 years now exist an an entity, a commodity. My name is Kellie and I came of age during the _________ era... I have found something very charming in the idea that to my 10-year-old brother, the last decade is, essentially, his life.

Ten years ago, I was a diminutive little girl with my own misconstrued ideas about life and a smart mouth. Not much has changed, except now I can make a grilled cheese by myself and say words like "diminutive." I can't help but wonder where I will be in another ten years, and how I will consider my 20-year-old self. Will it be just as comedic as my fourth grade self? Instead of making a New Year's resolution, I opted to formulate a New Decade resolution, something I am willing to commit to for what will be a third of my life. In 2020, I aspire to feel no need whatsoever to say, "If I knew then what I know now." I want to live the next decade with anticipation and zeal. So I ask you, is there anything you are willing to commit to for the next ten years? Or is the memory of a decade-older self just too much to make promises to?

Oh, and my New YEAR's resolution, you query? More blog posts! :)

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